Platonic housemate
Desired is a room and board situation in exchange for homemaking duties. Would still plan to have a part-time job outside the home to meet personal expenses, unless the home offers a stipend.Firmly believe someone out there is in need of the assistance I can truly provide. Hoping to get some good responses. One good home will do!Physically fit, intelligent, compassionate, dependableand sensitive.To offer: Caregiving, housekeeping, laundry/pressing, home office assistance, meal prep, lawn care, pet sitting, etc. A combinationof these chores is typical in many homes.Bachelor of Arts degree. Over20 years of professional business background, many years of residential and hotel housekeeping, some caregiving experience. Willing to trade a photo with you.Able to pass a criminal background check. Prefer to live in a quieter home absent of criminal activity. Quiet hobbies. Respectful of boundaries and personal space as I am a private person and a solace seeker.Thank you for reading and enjoy your day.